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Radeon HD 3870XT (PCI-E X16)
Highlight RADEON HD X3870pro GPU PCI Express® 2.0 Ру Support the most demanding graphics applications thanks to PCI Express® 2.0 support, which allows up to twice the throughput of current PCI Express® cards. 32-bit floating point texture filtering Lossless Z Compression & Fast Z-Buffer Clear Hierarchical Z-buffer with Early Z test Support for Microsoft DirectX® 10.1 & Shader Model4.1 HDMI output support
Main Features 320 stream processors Ру More than enough horsepower to support the most demanding graphics applications. 2x/4x/8x/16x high quality adaptive anisotropic filtering modes (up to 128 taps per pixel) Up to 128 textures per pixel ATI CrossFireX Ру Upgrade to even greater 3D performance quickly and easily thanks to plug-and-play ATI CrossFireX multi-GPU technology. Complete feature set also supported in OpenGL® 2.0 Accelerated MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, WMV9, VC-1, and H.264 decoding and transcoding Motion compensation, IDCT, DCT and color space conversion Fully distributed design with 512-bit internal ring bus for memory reads and writes ATI Avivo Video Post Processor control
Type Version size Description Date Download Driver 133M VGA Driver for Windows VISTA/VISTA64
os: Windows VISTA/VISTA64
2008/3/18os: Windows 2000/XP/2003
Type Version size Description Date Download Manual 01 650KB VGA Manual 2008/2/27