Курс ЦБ:
$61.9515, € 68.6856
07 февраля 2025 г.


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Рекламный блок:



917PCP Intel 915G/915P Chipset Support LGA 775 Socket Pentium 4 CPU 533/800MHz F.S.B Prescott CPU Suppor USB 2.0 Support 8 Channel Speaker Support Both DDR2 and DDR memory DIMMs on system Onboard Serial ATA150

LGA 775 IntelR PentiumR 4 3.6GHz Processor with HT Technology Supported

Innovative design which meets the worldЈѕs most advanced 90 nanometer Chip-Making Process technology based IntelR PentiumR 4 520, 530, 540, 550, 560 and beyond Processors with Hyper Threading Technology and embedded 1MB L2 Cache for demanding usage of Home Networking and Game Enthusiasts.


PCI Express Buses

The PCI Express x16 graphics delivers up to 4 GB/s per direction, 3.5 times more bandwidth than AGP8X and up to 8 GB/s concurrent bandwidth. PCI Express x1 I/O offers 500 MB/s concurrently, over 3.5 times more bandwidth than PCI at 133 MB/s, tackling the most demanding multimedia asks nowadays .


IntelR 915G Chipset and 82801FR ICH deliver the Reliability and I/O Flexibility

Support the 800MHz Front Side Bus, Dual DDR2 533 and Dual DDR 400 SDRAM, PCI Express x16, USB 2.0, and 10 / 100 / 1000 Ethernet Network Interface Controller. 915P Based Motherboards gets the balance between the System Reliabilities and Performance which extends the circle of usage to your system memories and graphic accelerators .


Support both DDR2 and DDR memory DIMMs on System

To support faster DDR2 and DDR memory, and the PCI Express* cards, the Memory Controller Hub (MCH) features wider buses that support dual-channel DDR2 at 533 MHz, for up to 8.5 GB/s of peak memory bandwidth.


High Definition Audio

The new consumer entertainment format supports 7.1 surround sound, Dolby Digital, and DTS. The audio CODEC supports 192 kHz quality, multiple streams, and better voice input for speech recognition and voice-over-IP. High Definition Audio codec embedded motherboards for the advanced usage of cost-effective peer to peer IP-phone software communication and Home Media Center building.


Serial ATA Optional with RAID

Serial ATA is an evolutionary replacement for the Parallel ATA physical storage interface. Users of the Serial ATA interface benefit from greater speed, simpler upgradeable storage devices and easier configuration. Integrated Serial ATA controller of high-speed data transfers at up to 150 MB/s for each port and up to 133 MB/s for 1 parallel port. Optional available on different model is RAID 0, 1 support.


IntelR GMA 900 Integrated GFX Graphics flexibility, with support for both the built-in IntelR Graphics Media Accelerator (GMA) 900, which supports widescreen LCD displays and accelerated DirectX* 9 3D, plus support for PCI Express graphics cards

 Specification Performance List                                   The following performance data list is the testing result of some popular benchmark testing programs. These data are just referred by users, and there is no responsibility for different testing data values gotten by users (the different Hardware & Software configuration will result in different benchmark testing results.) Performance Test Report CPU:                    Intel Pentium 4 Prescott 3.4G ( C1E disable ) DRAM:      PMI SAMSUNG 512 M DDR2-533 X 2 1Gbyte / KingMax MPTC220D-38HT DDR-500 512M X 2 ( 1Gbyte ) Daul channel Memory VGA Card:   Nvidia Geforce 6600 GT 128M AGP( 1024X768X32bit Color ) Hard Disk Driver:   Seagate Barracude 7200.7 SATA150 BIOS:                      BIOS Load Optimal Default OS:                             Windows XP Professional (SERVICE PACK 2) 917PDCP ( DDR400 ) 917PDCP ( DDR2 533 ) 3D Mark 2001SE 17525 17661 3D Mark 2003 8682 8699 3D Mark 2005 3592 3619 AQUAMRK3 (GFX / CPU) 54312 ( 7709 / 9197 ) 54689 ( 7704 / 9427 ) PCMark 2004  System / CPU / Memory 5079 / 5190 / 5015 5111 / 5235 / 5069  Graph / HDD 4175 / N/A 4177 / N / A  Content Creation Winstone 2004 31.2 31.4  Business Winstone 2004 21.4 21.2  Winbench 99 V2.0:  Business/Hi-end Disk Winmark99 10400 / 39600 10700 / 38800  Business/Hi-end Graphic Winmark 736 / 1490 738 / 1480 SISMark 2004 : SISMark Rating (Internet Content Creation / Office Productivity) SISMark 2004 205 ( 224 / 188 ) 204 ( 222 / 187 ) 3D Creation / 2D Creation 215 / 272 210 / 272 / web publication 191 192 Communication / Document Creation 170 / 198 177 / 193 /Data Analysis 196 192 SISOFT Sandra 2005 :1.CPU Arithmetic Benchmark 2.Memory bandwidth Benchmark 3.CPU Multi-Media Benchmark 1.Dhrystone ALU MIPS 10026 10032 Whetstone FPU iSSE2 FLOPS 4157 / 7026 4156 / 7027 2.Int/Float Buffered iSSE2 MB/S 4646 / 4655 4872 / 4870 3.Integer/Floating-Point iSSE2 IT/S 24462 / 32354 24462 / 32357 UT2003 Benchmark FPS 237.03 / 81.03 240.40 / 81.92 DOOM3 FPS 72.8 73.2 Super Pi (1M) Second 39s 39s CPU System / MEMORY / CPU Mhz 200 / 200 / 3400 200 / 266 / 3400

Type Version size Description Date Download BIOS       2006-3-3 Download Link

Type Version size Description Date Download LAN   12M OnBboard Realtek PCI Lan Driver

os: Windows 98SE , 2000 , Windows XP , VISTA

2008-8-28 Download Link Sound   40M OnBoard ALC Codec Sound Driver

os: Windows 2000 , Windows XP , VISTA

2007-5-23 Download Link Chipset   1.2M Intel 915 Chipset Driver

os: Windows 2000 , Windows XP 32 bit

2006-4-4 Download Link

Type Version size Description Date Download Manual   912KB M/B For LGA 775 Pentium 4 Processor 2006-5-9 Download Link

Type Version size Description Date Download Utilities 8.83 32KB BIOS Update Utilities 2006-7-31 Download Link

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